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Switchboard equipment, protection relays, controls, contactors, etc. Factory Reserve

More than 12 years NEW TECHNOLOGIES GROUP has been supplying switchboard equipment, protection relays, controls, contactors, starters. Our extensive expertise and using components from leading manufacturers is the main reason why the customers choose us.
Product catalog Zavod Rezerv

About Zavod Rezerv

The main activity of the RESERVE plant (Cheboksary) is the production of various types of electrical equipment, both for large industrial enterprises and small manufacturing firms.
  • quality

    the company's equipment has proven itself well in many industries: oil, electric power, metallurgy, construction, automotive and others.

    In cooperation with design and research organizations and customers, the products are constantly being improved and updated.

    To date, the Reserve Plant supplies finished products throughout Russia, starting from Kaliningrad and ending with Vladivostok, as well as to other countries in Europe and Asia.

Zavod Rezerv catalog

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Zavod Rezerv: switchboard equipment, protection relays, controls, contactors, starters
  • Boxes Zavod Rezerv
    YARV, YARP, YARPP, etc. series.
  • Wardrobes Zavod Rezerv
    series SHZV, SHE, PR, RTZO, etc.
  • Shields Zavod Rezerv
    OSCHV-6, OSCHV-9, OSCHV-12, etc.
  • Protection relay Zavod Rezerv
    Protection relay
    series RSV, RSN, RN, RNN, RNF, etc.
  • Control relay Zavod Rezerv
    Control relay
    series of REV, RE, REM, RAP, etc.
  • Contactors Zavod Rezerv
    CT-6050, KTP-6050, etc.
  • Distribution points Zavod Rezerv
    Distribution points
    PR11-1045, PR11-1045-21 U3, etc.

Find your Zavod Rezerv product

Choose the most comfortable way to place your order or get information about the characteristics, prices and delivery terms.
  1. Quotation

    To see our prices get the quotation or an official offer for Zavod Rezerv products.

  2. Consultation

    Consult our specialists to get the most compatible and affordable Zavod Rezerv products.

  3. Analogs selection

    Send us the marking of the competitor’s products and we will offer the best Zavod Rezerv deal in terms of technical features and price.

  4. Order and delivery

    Inquire for invoice and Sales Agreement for companies and individual persons to buy Zavod Rezerv products.

Information Board Zavod Rezerv

Learn more about our products Zavod Rezerv.
  • Price list for equipment Factory Reserve завода Завод Резерв
    Price list for equipment Factory Reserve


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