Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The clamp cabinets are designed to connect secondary circuits of a 35-750 kV ORU.
Power cabinets SHE1400 are designed for control, automation and signaling of mechanisms operating in the system of own needs of the CHP.
Distribution points PR-11, PR-22, PR-24, PR-85 are designed for the distribution of electrical energy, protection of electrical installations with a voltage of up to 660V in case of overloads and short circuits.
Distribution cabinets SHR-11 are designed for the distribution of electrical energy and serve to protect power and lighting networks.
The RTZO-88M, RTZO-88V cabinet assemblies are designed to power and control electric drives with a capacity of up to 10 kW of shut-off and control valves, as well as electric motors with a capacity of up to 10 kW of mechanisms for the own needs of power stations.
Distribution cabinets SR11 are designed for receiving and distributing electrical energy, protecting electrical installations in case of overloads and short-circuit currents, infrequent operational switching on and off of three-phase electric circuits with voltage up to 660V.

Models: SR, SR11, SR11-73504, SR11-73504-IP30, SR11-73504-IP30-U, SR11-73504-IP30-U3, SR11-73504-IP30-UHL, SR11-73504-IP30-UHL3, SR11-73504-IP54, SR11-73504-IP54-U, SR11-73504-IP54-U2, SR11-73505, SR11-73505-IP30, SR11-73505-IP30-U, SR11-73505-IP30-U3, SR11-73505-IP30-UHL, SR11-73505-IP30-UHL3, SR11-73505-IP54, SR11-73505-IP54-U, SR11-73505-IP54-U2, SR11-73509, etc.

SHRS distribution cabinets are designed for receiving and distributing electrical energy, protecting electrical installations in case of overloads and short-circuit currents.

Models: SHRS-1, SHRS-1-20, SHRS-1-20- Y, SHRS-1-20- U3, SHRS-1-20- U3-IP, SRS-1-20- U3-IP22, SHRS-1-20- U3-IP54, SHRS-1-21, SHRS-1-21- Y, SHRS-1-21- U3, SHRS-1-21- U3-IP, SRS-1-21- U3-IP22, SHRS-1-21- U3-IP54, SRS-1-22, etc.

Cabinets for connecting crews of cattle (PRS), PRS-M are designed for operational connection of up to two units of electrical equipment of repair services.

Models: PRS, PRS-M.

All Zavod Rezerv products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Zavod Rezerv: switchboard equipment, protection relays, controls, contactors, starters
  • Boxes Zavod Rezerv
    YARV, YARP, YARPP, etc. series.
  • Wardrobes Zavod Rezerv
    series SHZV, SHE, PR, RTZO, etc.
  • Shields Zavod Rezerv
    OSCHV-6, OSCHV-9, OSCHV-12, etc.
  • Protection relay Zavod Rezerv
    Protection relay
    series RSV, RSN, RN, RNN, RNF, etc.
  • Control relay Zavod Rezerv
    Control relay
    series of REV, RE, REM, RAP, etc.
  • Contactors Zavod Rezerv
    CT-6050, KTP-6050, etc.
  • Distribution points Zavod Rezerv
    Distribution points
    PR11-1045, PR11-1045-21 U3, etc.

About Zavod Rezerv

The main activity of the RESERVE plant (Cheboksary) is the production of various types of electrical equipment, both for large industrial enterprises and small manufacturing firms.
  • quality

    the company's equipment has proven itself well in many industries: oil, electric power, metallurgy, construction, automotive and others.

    In cooperation with design and research organizations and customers, the products are constantly being improved and updated.

    To date, the Reserve Plant supplies finished products throughout Russia, starting from Kaliningrad and ending with Vladivostok, as well as to other countries in Europe and Asia.

Information Board Zavod Rezerv

Learn more about our products Zavod Rezerv.
  • Price list for equipment Factory Reserve завода Завод Резерв
    Price list for equipment Factory Reserve


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